Monday, September 14, 2015

I'm not racist but

”I'm not a racist, but...” What allows us to say such a obviously not true statement. Is it the schizoid? In a sense we are affirming subconsciously our racism by stating that we are not racists. Earlier I overheard a conversation where someone said this many times, and then when into (from what I could make out of the Italian) an obviously racist rant. Trying to put this in context, while I agree with Joshua that yes, the surface of the problem, which is the violence, is caused by the a disappearance racism from the general population, how much can we say it was ever part of that ”general” anyway, when they change their mind weekly on command of the culture industry? Capitalism doesn't care about race, money doesn't care about race, exploitation doesn't care about race, or care is the wrong word because of course these three things care because race can be used to create profit, so the continuation of the racial problem is good for business, and it's disappearance would be bad for capitalism in both the local and global contexts. In the case of african americans, or african north-americans to be precise the civil rights movement was token, perhaps not exactly as they claim, as the allowance of exploitation of african north-americans by african north-americans is not a sign that racism has disappeared.

But we are now interested in this ”I'm not racist, but...”, why? How can we say it? Why do we need to justify, where does this desire to explain come from? What does it mean that we cannot openly admit that we in fact are racist? And where does it come from?

It was obviously a mistake to convince society that there were things that looked like us but not us. That these men that were in every other way us, except their skin tone some slight external features, were not human, this was Christianity. As far as I'm aware (and please correct if not true) there isn't another society besides the Christiendom where it was actually believed literally that these people who were exactly like us were not human. And here I think is the root of our supposed moral dilemma. That we so contradicted what was obvious on a large sorical scale because we broke our own mind in the process.

I started thinking about this in terms of, not just 20th century thought, but in terms of political idealism, and an argument I had about how I do no think we can any longer believe the Enlightenment project because the underlying social reality was so brutal while professing these values of humanity. How was it possible that these idealistic, fantastic even, thoughts could be made and claimed while standing on the carcasses of millions of slaves? There are three options: First, that it is simply a rue, a political tool to use people. Second, that our leaders are schitzophrenic, for if they really believe in these values while at the same time killing and pillaging, there is obviously a brake in personality. Third, that there is something essentially wrong, even perverse, in the thoughts and concepts themselves, which allows for a structural exploitation humans in the name and betterment of humans.

So we are back at ”I'm not racist, but...”


A while ago I had someone I respect immensely, have worked with, and shared some interesting things with delete and block me from all the social media sites we were involved in with. Before that I have had two persons I have immense respect for delete me, botth of whom fortunately were arbited back into my circle of online aquintanes (neither blocked me). More recently another person I respect, and would even dare to call a friend, say they had thought of deleting me beacuse of the things I post. Now obviously the way and things I post are disturbing enough, and I obviously need to deal with those issues on my person.

But the question that arises in me is what this does to the reality of community, what happens to politics? Does it do something? Does it take forwards, or backwards, sideways?

Of course, before most people consider it not being worth deleting someone you have to reach that point of something ”enough,” which needs to be shared. But the online quosi-mondiality is not the local even when one only has friends one has known before social media for years. The relations and functions are very different when existing in these quasi-public spaces. Obviously the problem is larger because of the way identity changes online making the anonymic total or part in ones functioning online more powerful, and thus enabling trolling and abuse on a epidemic level.

But what happens then in real life (as if online isn't, and this is the biggest lie of social media moralising), do you ignore each other? Do you hash it out (the option I will definitely choose when encountering the first person I mentioned).

Partly it feels like the online has created a sort of 'disposbility' of a contact, that because one doesn't have to, it is easy to delete, one doesn't need to, as compared to when someone works in the same office for example, etc etc, I find it difficult to go anywhere with this because there are so many directions one could go, but it's nagging me.

Of course, and I have blocked people too even if I am in concept against doing it, so it is necessary sometimes, one I added after a while because of what I am talking about. But, when or if you are dealing with someone who is in your community, as it were, with similar interests and perhaps even values, what is the value in removing rather then confronting that person either publically or privately? My question is not on the personal level, but on the communal and political level?


Is online sharing always violence? In the offer of sharing, should we not say Tiens! Take! It is a gift, but you must take it because we want to be close, we want to touch, but never touching in this offering the real proximity or proper or near. But always extended and virtual, even if that sharing is sharing and our hearts touch through touching the machine we touch when we try to touch each other, us, those who are outside that machine, through our hands. This ”tender extending”, or extending tender because it is not in the gift of sharing but a valorized bit stream. Touching through the internet always penetrates space and time and moves our touch from touching this machine that I touch to touch your with writing to you touching this shared writing with your eyes. In the world of internet it is not Psyche that is extended but Eros extended through the gaze and he should know it. (pp. 95 - 97 Derrida ”On touching Jean-Luc Nancy)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Acutethics again

Hopes and fears publishing a image board of ISIS related kawaii memes:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Deep Lines

The Deep Lines of Social Media.

Lived lines and identity in social media follow paths well trodden by machines first. They are the masters of moving through this a-epidermal, this surface which has a depth and width ungraspable by any sense. These paths are identities, yours and mine, and they form in the brake residing in the cybernetic brainwaves that are us.

We are these paths in so much as we live by the desire to follow our objectives to become, even to figure as. In this we need time to figure out how we can fit in the small flat surface containing the unrevealing and un-tarvelable in its fast rhythmic pulsation of un-numberable microchips. These electricities follow the paths we cannot, they switch the paths our brains cannot, and in them we find ourselves.

It is here that a suggestive power resides, here that the deception of identity on-line resides. This identity, now constructed in feedback where concentrating constricting the powerful serpent thins out into its tail before swallowing our head in its mouth thus connecting us to ourselves by a touch un-imagined, only figured.

But in this spiral of re-learning ourselves we are not free to roam, we do not have free access, or even free use, neither in practice or conceptually. Use and UX is guided by rules imposed by machinic logic and legal fittings of Ideals as guided by the pressure for profit.

The bodies that find their lives on-line are in-line with the most powerful machine ever created to create and consume identities, and it functions because there is no difference, no distiction when one is attached to the machine between what one is and what path one takes.

The paths traveled by us on-line are always in-line, they powerfully align us with power and rule precisely because what travels has no path to diverge from. And because if it is diverged or distinct, un-attached to its self it is presented as broken: 404. And this accumulation of distiction from itself can be presented as broken up until the very surface on which it presents itself as broken.

Here is what matters: there is no line on-line you can diverge from, there is no path that is untrodden, there is no path way where a machine has not already established a secure connection in which you can travel.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


A while ago artist Frank J Miles engaged me on a project he has been workin on in New York called COMMUNITAS, asking me to write a text for the next instalment of the event to be held at Dixon Place NY on the 30th of June 2015.

If I remember correctly it was before Baltimore and most of violence from police towards black african americans started ahowing up in media. I was engaged in a research of the ideas of Pier Paolo Pasolini and especially his text Civil War and poem and he wished that I participate with something related to that subject. During the course of what happened and what is currently happening I wrote a text mixing prose and a poem trying to conceptually create a flawless integration between the two styles and the two subjects.

What I realised after I wrote this text was that I really wanted to understand the question how is it possible to have a community with this historical background and current social context?

You can see some links here:

I am dubious as to what I achieved and or if I understood anything, so I will post the whole text uncritically. I wrote:

"What I have decided to present for COMMUNITAS at Dixon Place 161A chrystie street new york ny 10002 is the in the form of a text framing 2 poems, one by myself called ”New Africa”, and the other by Pier Paolo Pasolini called ”Il PCI ai giovani” for which there is a translation from eflux into english as well as the original at the end.

Archbishop Munib Yunnan told me on my highschool graduation day that I am a ”white arab”. It never puzzled me before the Baltimore raceriots and especially the Rachel Dolezal case.

(note: for some reason blogger is changing the colour of the text of the next part and I cannot get it to change back, somewhat reminiscent of the issue at hand, please select it to see it.)

If Dolezal is serious, and even if she is not, we should seriously consider the case of transraciality as was argued in. And I say this of course from a position of privilage. But also from a pan european point of view, my youth covering the middle-east as well as north eastern finland.

I would compare here her to trans culture and degredetion there of. The levels of hatred towards the possibility of a fluid race concept is overwhelmingly strong, appearing in LGBT trans culture, which I follow closely.

The question to everyone is: What do you think the levels of anxiety Dolezal was feeling in the totally racist (as the interview clearly demonstrates) culture the US is as she was presented with the dilemma of going after journalists who had misrepresented her using transracial as they had adopted black children, describing I would imagine the family as a whole, and now argued to only apply to the children as opposite race to the parents.

I dream Ornette Coleman would have said ”Only the african american is confined enough to have invented Jazz.”

The real question for europeans and almost everyone else is what is essentially wrong with feeling of a different skin colour? It is only right to question this position. But what is the long term gameplan to change the way white privilage disappears from the US?

The question for an african americans is SO much more complex, but I am beginning to grasp it slowly. The civil rights movement was in reality a scesession movement as much as any, evidence is that all the extreme fraction of the black nationalist communities called for it. (If it would have happened we would be in a totally different world.) Problem is that those leaders were all killed by the white master race. And secession was denied from a deserving community.

This is the knot.

The issue is much larger. I was recently listening to a lot of honorable Malcom (he never actually says his name is malcom x in any interview, just malcom as far as I could find). From here it is obvious that here is a man totally traumatized by lack of heritage. He says that his name and culture were taken away from his great grandfather or grandfather by the slave master. If we count the number 381 or 400 years in generations we notice that there are 6 ancestors of which 4 do not know their original cultural heritage. What were the measure by which people were forced out of communicating in any way their native heritage from when they were captured and sold off as slaves?

Here we start perhaps understanding where the african american stands and why this is all so difficult. And I am trying to put as much irony into that statement purely because of despair. And we must also remember, like honorable Malcom says that there are 2 types of black african american. There are the house slaves, and there are the field slaves.

That even the white man, did not have one black man.

There is always Friday.

Now you all see that these things are tied into the american contemporary mythology.
Capitalism was the game changer as white people realised that they cannot operate in Africa proper.

They need a proxy, a token.

Now, here what is interesting, and connecting to the Dolezal case, is to imagine a situation where white people become tokens, tools for the black man to succeed in the world, to go where no black man has gone before. Skull and Bones of course, not the White House and Obama definitely is a white man.

This is a reason why people like Dolezal are essential and it is important to aknowledge it. The NAACP has a history of this, for example Walter White "Why I investigate lynchings", this is not only a history the white man wants to destroy it is a personality that it want's gone with it.

I would like to do two things. Talk a little about the wider community from this context I just presented if it is even at all possible. As I find it very difficult to imagine what US culture really is like.

And attempt at hitting a mark on both the black and white sides respectively. The reason I would like to hit upon a mark is that we are so caught up in the race question. The interview of Dolezals' NBC Today Show clearly demonstrates that a racial divide is still very much in the language i.e. 'your parents are caucasian you should identify caucasian.'

This of course makes no more sense then 'your mother is a woman, you should idenfity as a woman.' Only when you look at it from the point of view of the african american white woman does it start to make sense.

The point that both race and gender are biological and cultural should be made. Both are.

My other point of approach starts from Pier Paolo Pasolinis' text ”Civil War” in which he describes his visit to the US and subsequent feelings.

(pdf copy of Civil War:)

And the quote sparked as a explanation for his 1968 poem "Il PCI ai giovani" which you can read in full as well as a rough translation at the bottom of this text.

The quote itself, which is from an interview:

”There are two ways of creating racial hatred towards the poor. First, keep them poor and they will be come to be hated. Make them police and they will be accused of being killers. Being killers they will be open to racial hatred.”

The point of the poem itself should obvious even to the most ardent communist, you should not blame the police when it is your rich fathers who are the jurors and legal advocates making the laws through which you are being oppressed!

This is more then obviously also the case in contemporary US. And is very much connected to the American Dream and the middle class.

A friend of mine hopes for military intervention from the outside. I actually hope the same but for Israel, demilitarizing the whole area. But as we can see from the way Likud policies are being perpetrated it is obvious that even the most extreme forms of violence will not be opposed by the general population of the western world when it is not effecting them directly but through secondary and tertiary signifiers only: IED, PTSD etc.

It is problematic to state that ”one should not oppose violence” when it is obvious that one should. Yet, I do believe that we have a moral obligation even to respond to the types of structural and direct violence white people have created throughout history and especially the way the culture of violence is developing at the moment in communities.

Perhaps we should be asking if it is possible to be a community when there is one clear side that responds to all actions by more and more draconian laws with which to control and further enslave ideologically, and now through information, a population.

I had wanted to write something else really.

An european perspective at first, or at least attempt some artistic approach to what we could do in terms of community action outside of violence.

As such my first responce was flarf and what is termed as offensive.

But even when you just want to slap everyone awake from their collective illusion of race politics.

But I will present that poem at the end here.

To work a vision of the Baltimore situation or NYPD from the point of view of this Pasolini quote. But I came to think that it spoke for itself.

If you look at Baltimore police numbers per city there is a clear discrepency between the number of police men in relation to the population in 2 cities besides Baltimore.

But what I really wanted to do was write a poem an offensive poem. Something really offensive but also absurd. What I know from workin with trauma is that some point there will always be a tipping point in which something either must be worked out or you will perish. And I think it is partly this fear that drives the human to unact out of comfort.
What is important is to end to the propagation of fear.

The absurdity of fear in the face of hatred.

Poem #1 ”New Africa”

Touch is always sovereign.
We are all strached over the earth
We aren't in this all together
Fragmentation, fractioning, alienation
Annexation of the individual.
What if I were to kidnap a black man and take him away from his home?
Can there be a white mans gift before our extermination?

It is the story of the last african america being, kidnapped and transported off to Paradise alive:

STOP or I'll shoot I pointed the gun at the face of this man
he didn't stop I didn't shoot
and we ran like children playing
cowboys and indians.
I out ran this man
side by side like trains competing
I smashed my gun in his face and he fell.
Rolling up a splif, he unconscious, I tied his hands and feet
rolled him up in a persian carpet and Übered him to the harbor
leaving the red bond stained rug on the pier.
My handler came out and greeted me.
He congratulated me on finding the last one,
this would be our last trip east.

My bed was horrid.
Peas in a pie.
Turn up lefward
mulberry pie
What was my dinner list? I don't remember
Bring it up?
Move it up boy or I'll beat you.
These servants were disrespectuful.
cit. Taittirija Upanishad
Paradise will be fantastic, awesome
I remember a direction
iear tear't'dea
sea is
total banality transmutated into matter.

We arrived in Lagos or was it upriver Congo.

Touch is always soveregn because time.
Too much useless information from a ray.
If we are to transubstanciate race we must accept that bones matter more then eyes
we touched each other in the boiling darkness
there was nothing else
like in that book where everyone goes blind
”bony” my partner called it
those bones
close your eyes and lets see where that Leeds us?

The bird was plucking out an eye of a half melted black man
it flew through an open window and shouted; dropping the eye
”spice up your kraw-life”
The dream was solid, the letter ”E” stamped into the landscape
beneath his feet resonated
the eye fell on a porclin plate on a table
around which broken shards were gathered in circle
a chair was two legs in 2 legs out.

What is your fathers name son?
You remember everything now
Welcome to Paradise my son.
”But everything?”

The eye fell on a porcelein plate was pierced by a fork
poured milk on and cut in half
a left hand middle finger ring finger separated
held on to halves of eyes as fork lifted out
gold hammer flattened the eyes but not fingers
and on the frying pan they went
”I want them medium rare, I said that already once. Go away.”
(”They'll get nothing here I tell you!” Azim said. ”There's nothing we can do to stop it.”
”I will enter.” Tom said.)

We start with an exercise. Close your eyes and touch your face. What does it feel like? What countours? What geography? Altitude? Volume?
It's very important that one forgets to think about symmetry.
It's very important that one forgets to draw.
It's very important that one stops picturing.
Eyes do not matter.
Light is the first instrument.
The first to reach us.

Ray walked up the plank to greet him. This pourous balding white shining sweaty man carrying his coat on his arm. ”disgusting pigs” he thought. ”G'day sir” he said. ”I was just thinking what disgusting looking pigs we have here, don't you think.”

I spar with the devil because he rules the world
and I want to change the world.

Should all white people be killed because of the Athenans?

We should stop following the Atheneans they were monsters. Donna Haraway already killed off humanism.

Enslaving, killing, pillaging, even if we claim the passage of souls as Plato understood it representes the heavenly bodies
it is our bodies that are being smashed
our minds that are being crushed
we are less matter then light.

No things can express what I mean when I say
the complexity of the situation
there is nothing I can say
I have never been black
I have only felt the hands of arab men and women as they feel my light skin and hair in wonder
the touch of hundreds if not thousands of strangers onmy skin through my clothes feeling penetrating, yet I am not convinced this is my trauma.

Recently on a family visit to Marocco my son was taken by a neighbour when we visited my family near Casablanca. His whiteness and size made him easily accessible to the desiring. Even when this was my experience for decades I could not say that this is my trauma.

Exclusion because skin colour when older was obvious. I could never be Israeli. I could never be Palestinian. I could never be Jordanian. I could only be Omani if I converted to Islam. They gave me a Finnish passport.

cheeks pintched rosy red
eyeing grabbing, touching

Backpain makes me stay up at night not my skin colour.

I believe my trauma to be war.

I remember tanks, guns, shootings, bombings,

the best way of not getting killed in a bombing is not going towards the explosion, this is basic.

Everyone should fear the struggle
”but brother
I am here for you
I will stand by you
cry for you
die for you
through every
usable soul”

The solution to the african american problem is their secession.

New Africa


But New Africa isn't just a state of mind, it is a place first.

It's a way of being.
Everthing we can dream of
everything we really desire
to address beyond the signs of visual oppression
through the signs of the hand, of closeness
temporance of skin

The reason why New Africa should be in the heart of Old Africa is because it is our choice
Secession is a need, utter desire in the face of total racial segregation
on your own terms
in your own time

Earth is closed not open. We will not fly into space, we will converge with another species one day.

New Africa is at the heart of Old Africa because the contemporary african american has as much in common with the african as does the north european and europe will be destroyed by the coming war between Russia, Nato, China, and Islam.

White people will be subsumed, totally irradicated as the 1% they refuse to see they are.

Historical precedents abound.

A new signifier in european american african history. Unfortunately an African American is as far away from an african as a Finnish person is. They are pets of white people. I can watch them on the zoo of my SocMedScreen.

I always found it strange that europeans treat africans as petite when they are historical and cultural giants.

Not many europeans have ever seen africa.

America is the only country where C.S.Peirce could have happened.

As many other things.

It is the problem of Athenian psychology. And it is the time for revenge. ISIS is the revenging angel.

Their choice of name befits a more ironic personality then most dare to imagine.

So I will give you my prediction.

As I said, my prediction is that white people will be exterminated from this earth as the aristocrats they all are.

This is New Africa.

In my poem I I say ”stop or I'll shoot, the man ran, I didn't shoot”, here is a moral dilemma But ”we ran like indians & cowboys.” Here I am too.

What these two characters have in common is that neither knows their position in the global community. Media covers that for them.

I've recently been wondering what it was like for the first social democrat mp in Finland after the almost half century ban on the political party.

I guess we can ask the facist who have now come back to power after being banned for decades.

Poem #2

Mi dispiace. La polemica contro
il Pci andava fatta nella prima metà
del decennio passato. Siete in ritardo, cari.
Non ha nessuna importanza se allora non eravate ancora nati:
peggio per voi.

Adesso i giornalisti di tutto il mondo (compresi
quelli delle televisioni)
vi leccano (come ancora si dice nel linguaggio
goliardico) il culo. Io no, cari.

Avete facce di figli di papà.
Vi odio come odio i vostri papà.
Buona razza non mente.
Avete lo stesso occhio cattivo.
Siete pavidi, incerti, disperati
(benissimo!) ma sapete anche come essere
prepotenti, ricattatori, sicuri e sfacciati:
prerogative piccolo-borghesi, cari.
Quando ieri a Valle Giulia avete fatto a botte
coi poliziotti,
io simpatizzavo coi poliziotti.
Perché i poliziotti sono figli di poveri.
Vengono da subtopie, contadine o urbane che siano.
Quanto a me, conosco assai bene
il loro modo di esser stati bambini e ragazzi,
le preziose mille lire, il padre rimasto ragazzo anche lui,
a causa della miseria, che non dà autorità.
La madre incallita come un facchino, o tenera
per qualche malattia, come un uccellino;
i tanti fratelli; la casupola
tra gli orti con la salvia rossa (in terreni
altrui, lottizzati); i bassi
sulle cloache; o gli appartamenti nei grandi
caseggiati popolari, ecc. ecc.
E poi, guardateli come li vestono: come pagliacci,
con quella stoffa ruvida, che puzza di rancio
furerie e popolo. Peggio di tutto, naturalmente,
è lo stato psicologico cui sono ridotti
(per una quarantina di mille lire al mese):
senza più sorriso,
senza più amicizia col mondo,
esclusi (in un tipo d’esclusione che non ha uguali);
umiliati dalla perdita della qualità di uomini
per quella di poliziotti (l’essere odiati fa odiare).
Hanno vent’anni, la vostra età, cari e care.
Siamo ovviamente d’accordo contro l’istituzione della polizia.
Ma prendetevela contro la Magistratura, e vedrete!
I ragazzi poliziotti
che voi per sacro teppismo (di eletta tradizione
di figli di papà, avete bastonato,
appartengono all’altra classe sociale.
A Valle Giulia, ieri, si è così avuto un frammento
di lotta di classe: e voi, cari (benché dalla parte
della ragione) eravate i ricchi,
mentre i poliziotti (che erano dalla parte
del torto) erano i poveri. Bella vittoria, dunque,
la vostra! In questi casi,
ai poliziotti si danno i fiori, cari. Stampa e Corriere della Sera, News- week e Monde
vi leccano il culo. Siete i loro figli,
la loro speranza, il loro futuro: se vi rimproverano
non si preparano certo a una lotta di classe
contro di voi! Se mai,
si tratta di una lotta intestina.
Per chi, intellettuale o operaio,
è fuori da questa vostra lotta, è molto divertente la idea
che un giovane borghese riempia di botte un vecchio
borghese, e che un vecchio borghese mandi in galera
un giovane borghese. Blandamente
i tempi di Hitler ritornano: la borghesia
ama punirsi con le sue proprie mani.
Chiedo perdono a quei mille o duemila giovani miei fratelli
che operano a Trento o a Torino,
a Pavia o a Pisa, /a Firenze e un po’ anche a Roma,
ma devo dire: il movimento studentesco (?)
non frequenta i vangeli la cui lettura
i suoi adulatori di mezza età gli attribuiscono
per sentirsi giovani e crearsi verginità ricattatrici;
una sola cosa gli studenti realmente conoscono:
il moralismo del padre magistrato o professionista,
il teppismo conformista del fratello maggiore
(naturalmente avviato per la strada del padre),
l’odio per la cultura che ha la loro madre, di origini
contadine anche se già lontane.
Questo, cari figli, sapete.
E lo applicate attraverso due inderogabili sentimenti:
la coscienza dei vostri diritti (si sa, la democrazia
prende in considerazione solo voi) e l’aspirazione
al potere.
Sì, i vostri orribili slogan vertono sempre
sulla presa di potere.
Leggo nelle vostre barbe ambizioni impotenti,
nei vostri pallori snobismi disperati,
nei vostri occhi sfuggenti dissociazioni sessuali,
nella troppa salute prepotenza, nella poca salute disprezzo
(solo per quei pochi di voi che vengono dalla borghesia
infima, o da qualche famiglia operaia
questi difetti hanno qualche nobiltà:
conosci te stesso e la scuola di Barbiana!)
Occupate le università
ma dite che la stessa idea venga
a dei giovani operai.
E allora: Corriere della Sera e Stampa, Newsweek e Monde
avranno tanta sollecitudine
nel cercar di comprendere i loro problemi?
La polizia si limiterà a prendere un po’ di botte
dentro una fabbrica occupata?
Ma, soprattutto, come potrebbe concedersi
un giovane operaio di occupare una fabbrica
senza morire di fame dopo tre giorni?
e andate a occupare le università, cari figli,
ma date metà dei vostri emolumenti paterni sia pur scarsi
a dei giovani operai perché possano occupare,
insieme a voi, le loro fabbriche. Mi dispiace.
È un suggerimento banale;
e ricattatorio. Ma soprattutto inutile:
perché voi siete borghesi
e quindi anticomunisti. Gli operai, loro,
sono rimasti al 1950 e più indietro.
Un’idea archeologica come quella della Resistenza
(che andava contestata venti anni fa,
e peggio per voi se non eravate ancora nati)
alligna ancora nei petti popolari, in periferia.
Sarà che gli operai non parlano né il francese né l’inglese,
e solo qualcuno, poveretto, la sera, in cellula,
si è dato da fare per imparare un po’ di russo.
Smettetela di pensare ai vostri diritti,
smettetela di chiedere il potere.
Un borghese redento deve rinunciare a tutti i suoi diritti,
a bandire dalla sua anima, una volta per sempre,
l’idea del potere.
Se il Gran Lama sa di essere il Gran Lama
vuol dire che non è il Gran Lama (Artaud):
quindi, i Maestri
- che sapranno sempre di essere Maestri -
non saranno mai Maestri: né Gui né voi
riuscirete mai a fare dei Maestri.
I Maestri si fanno occupando le Fabbriche
non le università: i vostri adulatori (anche Comunisti)
non vi dicono la banale verità: che siete una nuova
specie idealista di qualunquisti: come i vostri padri,
come i vostri padri, ancora, cari! Ecco,
gli Americani, vostri odorabili coetanei,
coi loro sciocchi fiori, si stanno inventando,
loro, un nuovo linguaggio rivoluzionario!
Se lo inventano giorno per giorno!
Ma voi non potete farlo perché in Europa ce n’è già uno:
potreste ignorarlo?
Sì, voi volete ignorarlo (con grande soddisfazione
del Times e del Tempo).
Lo ignorate andando, con moralismo provinciale,
“più a sinistra”. Strano,
abbandonando il linguaggio rivoluzionario
del povero, vecchio, togliattiano, ufficiale
Partito Comunista,
ne avete adottato una variante ereticale
ma sulla base del più basso idioma referenziale
dei sociologi senza ideologia.
Così parlando,
chiedete tutto a parole,
mentre, coi fatti, chiedete solo ciò
a cui avete diritto (da bravi figli borghesi):
una serie di improrogabili riforme
l’applicazione di nuovi metodi pedagogici
e il rinnovamento di un organismo statale. I Bravi! Santi sentimenti!
Che la buona stella della borghesia vi assista!
Inebriati dalla vittoria contro i giovanotti
della polizia costretti dalla povertà a essere servi,
e ubriacati dell’interesse dell’opinione pubblica
borghese (con cui voi vi comportate come donne
non innamorate, che ignorano e maltrattano
lo spasimante ricco)
mettete da parte l’unico strumento davvero pericoloso
per combattere contro i vostri padri:
ossia il comunismo.
Spero che l’abbiate capito
che fare del puritanesimo
è un modo per impedirsi
la noia di un’azione rivoluzionaria vera.
Ma andate, piuttosto, pazzi, ad assalire Federazioni!
Andate a invadere Cellule!
andate ad occupare gli usci
del Comitato Centrale: Andate, andate
ad accamparvi in Via delle Botteghe Oscure!
Se volete il potere, impadronitevi, almeno, del potere
di un Partito che è tuttavia all’opposizione
(anche se malconcio, per la presenza di signori
in modesto doppiopetto, bocciofili, amanti della litote,
borghesi coetanei dei vostri schifosi papà)
ed ha come obiettivo teorico la distruzione del Potere.
Che esso si decide a distruggere, intanto,
ciò che un borghese ha in sé,
dubito molto, anche col vostro apporto,
se, come dicevo, buona razza non mente...
Ad ogni modo: il Pci ai giovani, ostia!
Ma, ahi, cosa vi sto suggerendo? Cosa vi sto
consigliando? A cosa vi sto sospingendo?
Mi pento, mi pento!
Ho perso la strada che porta al minor male,
che Dio mi maledica. Non ascoltatemi.
Ahi, ahi, ahi,
ricattato ricattatore,
davo fiato alle trombe del buon senso.
Ma, mi son fermato in tempo,
salvando insieme,
il dualismo fanatico e l’ambiguità...
Ma son giunto sull’orlo della vergogna.
Oh Dio! che debba prendere in considerazione
l’eventualità di fare al vostro fianco la Guerra Civile
accantonando la mia vecchia idea di Rivoluzione?

From eflux ”a bad translation of a 1968 poem by Pier Paolo Pasolini that was so controversial that it got him expelled from the Communist Party:
Its sad. a critique of
the pci <Italian communist party> should have been done in the first half
of the past decade. You are late, children.
And it doesnt matter that at the time you were not born.
Now the journalists of the entire world (the t.v.
ones included)
kiss your (as they still say, I think, in
university) ass. I dont, friends.
You have the face of daddys boys.
Your clean appearance doesnt lie.
You have that mean look.
You are afraid, uncertain, despairing
(very good) but you also know how to be
spoilt, scheming and arrogant:
petit-bourgeoise values, my friends.
When you were at the Villa Giulia yestday you brawled
with the police,
I sympathised with the policemen!
Because policemen are sons of the poor.
They come from the outskirts, urban and rural.
As for me, I know well
I know how they were as little kids and young men,
the precious penny, the father who never grew up,
because poverty does not bestow authority.
The mother calloused like a porter, or tender,
because of some disease, like a little bird;
the many children, the hut
among the orchards overgrown with red weeds (on someone elses
land); the slums
over the sewers;or the apartments in the vast
council estates, ecc. ecc.
And, look how they dress them up: like clowns,
with that rough cloth that stinks of
uniform and poverty. Worse of all, naturally,
is the psychological state to which they are reduced
(for a handful of dollars a month):
with no more smile,
without any friends in the world,
excluded (in an exclusion without equals);
humiliated at the loss of their human values
in exchange for police ones (being hated breeds hatred).
They are twenty, your age, my dear boys and girls.
We are all obviously against the institution of the police.
But try going against the courts, and then youll see!
The boy policemen
that you, out of the sacred violence (of the venerable risorgimento
of the daddys boy, have beaten,
They belong to the other class.
At Valle Giulia, yesterday, occurred an instance of
class war: and you, my friends (although on the
right side) you were the rich,
while the policemen (who were on the
wrong side) they were the poor.A nice victory, then,
yours! In these cases ,
to the police you should give flowers, my friends."

19.6.2015 02:31

Timo Tuhkanen"

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Volodymyr Bilyk guest pen

Throng of balloons fled because of the pinch to be sure that something in the air happened in a silent way. Some quial and tilt and then: Apt pear appears all over the sudden abruptly stopping gorgeous throes; elliptic shadow falls - and bubbles come up in the air to fight with naughty cloud of balloons before the sun because ridiculous must come off big. And then: the clash is so and so and lots of fluff and knack and knack So eyes get very weary, obviously blenching back behind the lids - whack! And then it's over, barring tingle, tingle, dither, heat enough to be thought and be mauled.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

RTF 6-6-15

Like trading lightly she took a sight, breathed in, walked, white things were falling from the sky above her head, evergreen motion, flying foundling and talking, she walked lightly, as if it were something new, hesitant, a step, to reach, ahead. She came to a plane which existed in planes of straight lines diagonally away from her to about chest level, she kicked the first, closest one. She stepped on it, and tried her weight. "Holds", she thought. She brought her other leg up, and with it kicked the next shape in front of her feet. "Solid", she thought. .p-40 RTF

I cant bear a bare bear any longer looking at such things, think differently says the man taking differently your pair of long johns and taking your dogs outside to piss and shit, while you sit on your ass and do fuck all sitting in front of you computer thinking, playing some shit videogame thinking that you can win by sitting on your ass playing and socializing through virtuality and beertuality at the bar, sitting in front of your box of parts thinking it's real like a punch in the face is real, but real it aint, and real it aint gonna be, till you stink to the letter and pee through pipe, roughly with your arteries clotted and you piss stinging like a bee on your dick. Watch this, really real things seem real to me, but unreal things seems as unreal as reality, you see? You don't, well that aint my fucking problem look, you see this, you talk to this, you touch this, but what? But what this, this thing this box of gloves handed to you by your guardian angel the commerce of economy, thinking you's a great chap for lending out your brain for it's gratitude and commemorance, you see? You don't, well fuck that, I'll tell you's some more, and more and more, until you see, you don't? Well we'll see said Eve to Bob to lobbed a chair into the reflection in the window thinking reality is a bitch and Eve's a hour whore wating to suck it up from his dick and rimming him while it's done, oh yeah bitch, that'll feel like a million dollars baby, baby you see? You don't? We'll don't, cuz this dog's gonna walk and walk to the willows by the river and take out from the frogless bum sitting eating his frog legs 41 p-38 RTF

My oh my said the wind to the willows and set out willfully towards the sun, sung in three pitches red bright and gloom, tree in sitting waiting to be sung in song to the morning glory woken up by the sound of the sun singing to the willows in the Eve to Adam as eve to morning sat besides the firelight shifting and bopping to beat to beat to beat, only to the rhythm of the beat singing and toiling away in the fields to grow to prosper, prosper who, where, this prosper, more like shit, drooling in the sun, boiling down on you heavy shoulders from the toil and toiletries why oh why god, did you make us shit, like you couldn't have created something better, but you were off somewhere having fun and toiling and toiletries you probably too, had to give that weight off, felt good didn'it to toil and to burden man o man, to sink in to the dirt to make us work like no other animal, jeez, what a load of dog shit. p- 37 RTF

 "You are walking through it howsomever." he thought. "I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through very short times of space. Five, six: the nacheinander. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible." "Open your eyes Tom." The Doctor said. "No Jesus! If I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the nebeinander ineluctably." "Open your eyes Tom." The Doctors voice stressed slightly louder. "I am getting on nicely in the dark. My ash sword hangs at my side. Tap with it: they do. My two feet in his boots are at the end of his legs, nebeinander. Sounds solid: made by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? Crush, crack, crick, crick. Dominie Deasy kens them a'. Won't you come to Sandymount, madeline the mare? Rhythm begins, you see. I hear." p -36 RTF

The lights in the house were off as per usual, but there was a red car in the driveway, Gear opened the broken off-hinged gate carefully leading to the back yard, and was met by an immense beast of a rottweiler running towards him, it stopped right before him, and proceeded jumped with it's mouth wide open and tongue hanging out, wouuuu! it panted as it landed on his chest, Gear smiled, and pushed him off, "the back door should probably be open, since your out" he said to the dog and continued to the patio from which the garden receded, the large white plastic french windows were closed, he pushed them open and stepped inside. There was nobody in, he picked up the remote and turned the TV on while he sat down, took out his gear, and started to roll another joint. He was halfway through the joint, watching Jeremy Kyle barrage some unsuspecting chavs about morals and whatnot, when Dean came in "I see you've managed to get inside" he said, "yeah" Gear said as he threw the joint over, Dean caught it easily. He took a puff and started shadow boxing, he threw a few jabs, and hooks, his foot work impeccably light, bouncing here and there, weaving, a faint, jab, jab, weave, hook, he reminded Gear of a jaguar, ready to pounce, his tight muscles tensing and relaxing, in perfect rhythm, dancing in sync with his imaginary opponent, all perfectly visible without his shirt, lean like a stray dog. "You wanna spar?" Dean asked. "not right now, no" Gear answered, "is Becka in?" "Naa, she went out with VIctor and Vuzz", Dean said. He was shifting pace perfectly to avoid his imaginary opponent, duck, jab, weave, he was clearly winning. "You didn't go?" Gear said. "You know me." Dean said as he landed the winning uppercut straight into the imaginary jaw of his imaginary opponent, as he looked at Gear, and continued the motion to a victory celebration both hands in the air, he took another drag and threw the joint back to Gear, it landed on the sofa next to him, and he quickly, yet assuredly, picked it up and put it in his mouth. "You sure you don't wanna spar? I have all the gear, I just bought a new head guard, you can wear it, gloves, everything, shin guards?" Dean said, throwing a few punches for good measure. "Not feeling it." Gear said as he took a toke, "you have any weed?" "Nah man, not much around these days." Dean said. "So you keep telling me." Gear retorted, slightly disappointed, "Becka'll probably have some" he thought. "Good good. So what's your plan? You staying in?" He asked Dean. "Yeah, some guys coming over, gonna kick some ass in Fifa. Here check it out" Dean pounced across the room in to another, Gear lazily got up and followed him to the converted bedroom, "pretty cool this" Dean said, and handed him the boxing helmet. "You wanna buy a shirt?" Dean asked, "I've got plenty, check them out." He picked up a shirt from pile, "I got this for two pounds, imagine that, two pounds, bargain." Dean intoned all his words beautifully, making his accent strangely foreign, "I've got other stuff as well, short? These cost me like five pounds for two." Dean said. He was well pleased with his shopping. "You don't want any, I can give you a decent price?" "No, thanks, there not really my style." Gear answered. "Suit yourself." Dean said, "but your missing out." He frolicked back into the adjacent living room. Gear languidly followed him back, Dean started shadow boxing again, trying to agitate Gear, Gear ignored the efforts appreciatively and continued to the adjacent kitchen, "everything is so clean here these days" he thought and opened the cupboard next to the sink to get a mug, "you want a cuppa?" He said out loud. "No, thanks." Dean was shadow boxing as close to Gear face as he could, throwing punches a few inches away. Gear took the kettle and filled it up, "you never know" he thought, and put it back in its place and clipped it on. "So what are you planning on doing?" He asked. "Gonna play some Fifa at some point." Dean answered, throwing a punch which would have landed in Gears right kidney, "oh yeah, I wonder if I should go to that thing they went to or not." He said out loud. "Whatever man," Dean said and threw a hook so close Gear could feel it on his nose. "That was close," he said. "Yeah, check this out," Dean said, and threw a combination of punches towards the head and body of Gear. "Cool, you've gotten quicker." He said. The water had come to a boil, and the kettle clicked off, Gear poured some milk over the pyramid bag he'd already placed in the cup, put the milk back in the fridge and poured the boiled water into the cup. "You sure you don't want a cup?" He asked again. "No thanks, I'm off caffeine at the moment." Dean had stopped punching the air and had moved to looking into the fridge for something to eat, Gear walked back into the living room with the cup in his right hand, put it down on the coffee table in front of the couch and sat down, sat down, tried his pocket thought "oh there it is", and proceeded to roll another spliff while Jeremy was barraging the next unsuspecting victim with morals and standards, Gear liked watching chavs getting harassed, like 'fat people' documentaries, they made him feel more normal, better about himself, uplifting his self-esteem; thinking that he never had sex with his sisters did he ever run out on his kids or anything else which seemed fairly common place in Jeremy Kyle's world, generally seemed to do that to him. "You wanna pitch in?" He yelled. There was a quite whiff and Gear could see from the corner of his eye as a small bag flew from the kitchen onto the living room floor, "jeez" he said and got up to go pick it up "stop whining, bitch" he heard Dean vocalize in the kitchen, "I love you too Dean", he said and sat back down onto the couch. p-42/43 RTF

Friday, April 3, 2015

Recently I started "going" to ever event on facebook. What happened next will blow your mind.

Unbecoming of me to want to reveal something
about myself in a form of poetry. 

Well for one, everyone started asking me if I was
actually going to their events (how else could you
be going to "berliinissä, espoossa ja moskovassa"
in consequtive days? Thus creating human contact.

That's nothing though, I said, I'm going to be in:

5 March - 25 April
Cnr Oxford St & Greens Rd, Paddington, New South Wales 2021
Timo Tuhkanen is going

5 March - 18 April
Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 March - 4 April
Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going

5 March - 11 April Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
6 March - 7 April Timo Tuhkanen and Tiina Lehtoranta are going
6 March - 26 April
Timo Tuhkanen is going

7 March - 7 June

Timo Tuhkanen is going
All my weeks are like this, just look at the next "extended" week, which doesn't stop until the fourth of June when I have one day off, here curtailed on the 10th:

12 March - 22 April
Timo Tuhkanen is going
12 March - 17 May Timo Tuhkanen and Jaakko Juhani Karhunen are goi

12 March - 18 April

Timo Tuhkanen and Débora Delma are going

12 March - 10 April

Timo Tuhkanen is going

13 March - 26 April
Timo Tuhkanen is going
13 March - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen and 14 other friends are going
14 March - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
15 March - 2 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
17 March - 8 April
Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU
Timo Tuhkanen is going
18 March - 26 April
Kunstihoone Galerii
Timo Tuhkanen is going
18 March - 30 April Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are goin
19 March - 30 April
Timo Tuhkanen is going
19 March - 17 May Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
19 March - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen and Jack Fisher are going
19 March - 26 April Hosted by Sarah Merabai
19 March - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
19 March - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
19 March - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
19 March - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
20 March - 20 July Timo Tuhkanen and Jaana Kokko are going
21 March - 5 July Timo Tuhkanen is going
21 March - 11 April
Kalamaja Kalmistupark, 59.450144, 24.732727
Timo Tuhkanen and Teena Lange are going
21 March - 23 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
21 March - 18 April
Galerie Vincenz Sala
Timo Tuhkanen is going
21 March - 2 May Timo Tuhkanen and Tatiana Bazzichelli are going
22 March - 28 June Timo Tuhkanen and Allison Han are going
23 March - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
24 March - 3 May
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Timo Tuhkanen and Damien Orriss are going
24 March - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
24 March - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
24 March - 23 June Timo Tuhkanen is going
24 March - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
25 March - 25 April
Hakaniemen metroaseman lippuhalli
Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
25 March - 20 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen and 12 other friends are going
26 March - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
26 March - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 16 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 15 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 15 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 17 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 19 April 227 guests
26 March - 2 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
26 March - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen and Andrew Birk are going
27 March - 7 June Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 31 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 16 May
Kappatos Athens Art Residency 12 Athinas st Monastiraki Athens
Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
27 March - 24 July Timo Tuhkanen and Axel Straschnoy are going
27 March - 11 April Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
27 March - 17 May Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
27 March - 9 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
28 March - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
28 March - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
28 March - 30 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
28 March - 11 April Timo Tuhkanen and 8 other friends are going
28 March - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
28 March - 8 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
28 March - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen and Isauro Huizar are going
29 March - 14 June
MDD - Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens,Museumlaan 14, 9831 Deurle, Belgium
Timo Tuhkanen is going
31 March - 31 May
Timo Tuhkanen is going
31 March - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
31 March - 9 May Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
31 March - 7 April Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
31 March - 12 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 30 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 28 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 1 May Timo Tuhkanen and Rokko Juhász are going
1 April - 31 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 31 July
Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 6 July Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen and 17 other friends are going
1 April - 17 April Timo Tuhkanen and Timo Salo are going
1 April - 27 MayTimo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
1 April - 10 April Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
1 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 11 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 10 June Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 17 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 30 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
1 April - 3 April
Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going

1 April - 8 May
Timo Tuhkanen is going

2 April - 14 May
Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen and Damien Orriss are going
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
2 April - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
2 April - 10 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
2 April - 10 May
Timo Tuhkanen - Helsinki, Finland
Pauliina Holopainen is going
2 April - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen and 13 other friends are going
2 April - 29 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 19 April
Vilnius, Lithuania· Buy Tickets
Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 15 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 9 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 23 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 16 April Timo Tuhkanen and Carmen Salas are going
2 April - 2 May Timo Tuhkanen and Luca Nasciuti are going
2 April - 2 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 17 April 288 guests
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 12 April
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 23 - 25 Wharf Street Leeds LS2 7EQ
Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
2 April - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen and David Edson are going
2 April - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April - 4 April Hosted by Chromatic
2 April at 16:30 in CDT 44 guests
2 April - 26 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April at 18:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April at 19:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen and BravinLee Programs went
2 April at 19:00 in ETimo TuhkanenDT 174 guests
2 April at 19:00 in EDT Hosted by Fine, I'll Do It Booking
2 April at 19:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April at 20:00 in UTC-03 Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April at 19:30 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April at 20:00 in EDT
66 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn NY
Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April at 21:00 in EDT Hosted by Chris Burden
Today at 05:00 Hosted by Jose Luis Meza
2 April at 22:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen went
2 April - 4 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
2 April at 20:30 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+11 Timo Tuhkanen and Damien Orriss went
Today Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen went
Today Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 12:30 in UTC+01
Timo Tuhkanen invited you to his event
Today at 15:00 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 21:00 in UTC+08 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen and Angelika Gaia Schmidt are going
Today at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen and Jenni Nurmenniemi are going
3 April at 19:30 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends went
3 April at 19:30 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends went
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02
19, rue du Docteur Emile Roux , 92110 Clichy-la-Garenne
Hosted by atelier oblik
3 April at 12:00 in EDT
Oberlin, Ohio
Timo Tuhkaneny went
3 April - 18 April 176 guests
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 64 guests
3 April - 23 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April - 24 April Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02
Båstadgatan 4, 214 39 Malmö
Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen and Angelika Gaia Schmidt are goi
3 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April - 29 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 19:30 Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 19:00 in UTC+02
dorothea schlueter, galerie
Timo Tuhkanen and Myles Starr went
3 April at 19:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends went
3 April - 9 May
Site Mill - Via Nazionale n.55 - Scicli
Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 21:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 21:00 Timo Tuhkanen and Korhan Erel are going
3 April at 20:00 in UTC+02
via Tevere, 47, 09032 Assemini
Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 21:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 20:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April - 6 June Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 23:00 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Today at 22:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 21:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen and Melle Weijters are going
3 April at 23:00 in UTC+02 Hosted by Berlin Invasion
3 April at 14:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 17:00 in EDT 35 guests
3 April - 18 April 85 guests
3 April at 18:30 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 18:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 19:00 in EDT
n+1 office, 68 Jay Street, Suite 405, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Timo Tuhkanen and Sorothy Hexa Howard are going
3 April at 19:00 in EDT 61 guests
Tomorrow at 02:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 18:00 in CDT 191 guests
3 April at 19:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen went
3 April at 19:30 in EDT
34 Avenue A 3rd floor, 10009
Hosted by BHQFU
3 April at 19:30 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 21:00 in UTC-03
Rua Conselheiro Carrão, 374, 01328-000 São Paulo
Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 20:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
3 April at 21:00 in EDT
12143 Moran. Hamtramck, MI
Hosted by Stef Chura
3 April - 4 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 21:00 in CDT Hosted by COLD TECH
3 April at 19:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
3 April at 23:55 in UTC-03 Hosted by Ludmila Killerdrumz II
Tomorrow at 10:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April - 5 May Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
4 April - 30 April Hosted by Pg Art
4 April - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen and Sasha Elina are going
4 April - 26 April 202 guests
Tomorrow at 18:00
2, Evagorou Avenue, 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus
Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 16:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April - 5 April Timo Tuhkanen and Basak Senova are going
4 April at 17:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
4 April at 18:00 in UTC+02
14 Gamal Eddin Aboul Mahasin, floor 4, flat 18, Garden City, Cairo ١٤ جمال الدين ابو المحاسن، الدور الرابع شقة ١٨
Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Tomorrow at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 8 other friends are going
4 April at 20:00 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen went
4 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 13:00 in EDT Hosted by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
4 April - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
Tomorrow at 20:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 19:00 in UTC+02 56 guests
4 April at 20:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April - 9 May Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
4 April at 20:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 21:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 23:00 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen and Katya Rekk are going
4 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 21:00 in UTC+02
Calle Santo Domingo núm. 8, 29300 Archidona (España)
Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 17:00 in EDT 703 guests
4 April at 17:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanenis going
4 April at 22:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 18:00 in EDT
The Fug, 431 E 6th St. (btw 1st Ave & Ave A) Basement New York, NY10009
Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 19:00 in EDT 116 guests
4 April at 19:30 in EDT Hosted by Ziya Tabassian
4 April at 19:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
4 April at 21:00 in EDT
Oberlin, Ohio
Timo Tuhkanen and Mike Pepi are going
4 April at 21:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen and X Tara Bhattacharya are going
4 April at 19:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen and Isauro Huizar are going
Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
5 April at 16:00 in UTC+08 Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 April at 14:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 April at 11:00 in UTC-05 Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 April at 20:00 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Sunday at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen and Tinja Ruusuvuori are going
5 April at 14:00 in EDT 10 guests
5 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
Sunday at 22:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 April at 21:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
5 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Hosted by Still Bill
5 April at 14:00 in PDT
San Francisco, California
Hosted by Swagger Like Us
5 April at 19:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen and Jez Riley French are going
MondayTimo Tuhkanen is going
6 April - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
6 April at 23:55 in UTC+10 Timo Tuhkanen and Melanie Jame Wolf are going
6 April - 8 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
6 April at 19:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
6 April at 19:30 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
6 April at 19:00 in CDT Hosted by David Dove
6 April - 9 April
in your mind's eye
Timo Tuhkanen and Megan Snowe are going
6 April at 18:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen and Alejandra Salinas are going
7 April - 29 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April - 19 April
Norm Critical Gallery, Abrahaminkatu 7 (inner court), Helsinki
Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
7 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen invited you to his event
7 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
7 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen invited you to AAVE - Alternative AudioVis
7 April at 16:00
Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are going
7 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen invited you to his event
7 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 19 other friends are going
7 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 19 other friends are going
7 April at 18:00 Hosted by Christine Hammar
7 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
7 April at 19:30 in UTC+04 Timo Tuhkanen and 6 other friends are going
7 April at 17:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April - 24 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 19:00
Teatterimonttu, Tampereen yliopisto päärakennus· Buy Tickets
Timo Tuhkanen and Anna-Maria Lipponen are going
7 April - 17 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 18:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 20:15 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 21:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April - 10 June Timo Tuhkanen and Juana Diosa La Diosa are goin
8 April - 7 August
Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 18:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
7 April at 19:00 in UTC-03 Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 19:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen and Kuby Nnamdie are going
7 April at 19:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 21:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 18:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 18:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
7 April at 19:30 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April Timo Tuhkanen and 3 other friends are going
8 April
Timo Tuhkanen and 10 other friends are going
8 April - 25 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April - 19 April Hosted by Monchichi Lei
8 April at 14:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 6 other friends are going
8 April at 19:30 in UTC+08
NTU CCA Singapore, The Lab, Block 43 Malan Road, Gillman Barracks
Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 16:00 Timo Tuhkanen and Jussi Koitela are going
8 April at 21:00 in UTC+07 Hosted by Institut Français du Vietnam - Antenne à HC
8 April at 17:30 Timo Tuhkanen is not going
8 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 4 other friends are going
8 April at 18:00 11 guests
8 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April - 10 April Timo Tuhkanen and 11 other friends are going
8 April at 19:00 Hosted by Antalya Sinema Derneği
8 April at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 7 other friends are going
8 April at 19:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 12:00 in UTC-05 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 19:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 19:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
8 April at 20:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 20:30 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen invited you to her event

8 April at 20:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen invited you to her event
8 April at 18:30 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 19:00 in EDT 76 guests
8 April - 9 April, New York, New York 10002
Timo Tuhkanen is going

9 April - 12 April
Kandos, New South Wales
Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 20:00 in EDT 85 guests
8 April at 19:30 in UTC-05 41 guests
8 April at 21:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
8 April at 22:00 in EDT Hosted by Le Noize
8 April at 19:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen and Erik H Zepka are going
8 April at 20:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen and Anahita Abbasi are going
9 April
North America
Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 06:00 in UTC-05 Timo Tuhkanen and Isauro Huizar are going
9 April - 16 April
Dublin, Ireland
Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 13:00 in UTC+01
Eduskunnan pikkuparlamentti, kansalaisinfo, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki
Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 08:30 in CDT Hosted by FURIE - Feminist Uprising to Resist Inequality 
9 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen and 17 other friends are going
9 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen and Akseli Kemppainen are going
9 April - 11 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 16:00 in UTC+02
Via Zamboni 22, Aula 3
Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen and 8 other friends are going
9 April - 23 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 3 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 18 April Timo Tuhkanen and 2 other friends are going
9 April at 18:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 18:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 30 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 19:00 in UTC+02 113 guests
9 April at 20:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 18:00 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen and 6 other friends are going
9 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 18:30 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 18:30 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen and Carmen Salas are going
9 April at 20:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 10 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 19:00 in UTC+01 58 guests
9 April at 21:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 19:00 in UTC-03
Timo Tuhkanen and André Damião are go
9 April at 18:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 23:45 in UTC+01 Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 19:00 in EDT 50 guests
9 April - 11 April 372 guests
9 April at 20:00 in EDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 19:00 in CDT
Lawrence, Kansas 66046
Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 10 April 153 guests
9 April at 22:00 in UTC-03 Hosted by Coletivo BLUM
9 April at 21:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April - 7 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 21:00 in CDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
9 April at 23:45 in UTC-03 50 guests
9 April at 20:00 in PDT Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April - 2 May
Laterna Magica, Rauhankatu 7
Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April - 12 April Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April - 7 June 1,410 guests
10 April at 20:00 in UTC+08
2A, Winful Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong· Buy Tickets
Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April at 16:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April at 18:00 Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April at 17:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April at 17:30 in UTC+02
Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna, Via Duomo, BRINDISI
Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April - 6 May Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April - 19 April Timo Tuhkanen and 5 other friends are goin
10 April at 18:00 in UTC+02 Timo Tuhkanen is going
10 April at 11:00 in UTC-05 Timo Tuhkanen and Allison Han are going
10 April at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen and Egle Oddo are going
10 April at 19:00 Timo Tuhkanen and 8 other friends are going